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Have you got an AEC collection? Heard about Autodesk Docs?

AEC Collection

Autodesk Docs is the new powerful cloud platform from Autodesk now included in your AEC collection subscription. This entitles AEC Collection subscribers to leverage unlimited cloud storage, markup and issue tracking capabilities, review, and approval workflows and much more. (If this is news to you and have not started using it, get in touch for …

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Getting Started in iLogic

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As many of you will know, Autodesk Inventor ships with an out of the box technology called iLogic. iLogic allows you to program automation in a variety of different ways into your model using simple Visual Basic code alongside an intuitive interface. As much as iLogic is a huge benefit, and offers fantastic automation possibilities …

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3ds Max 2022 Release

It’s that time of the year again when the next major release of Autodesk software becomes available to you through your Subscription, with many of the products having their 2022 release date over the next couple of months. 3ds Max 2022 pushes a faster and more secure environment, with a primary focus on efficiency through …

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AutoCAD 2022 What’s New?

AutoCAD 2022 is out now, whether you have a single subscription or have AutoCAD included as part of a collection. AutoCAD 2022 builds on its world class standardised set of specialised tools, giving users a huge productivity boost when following industry specific workflows in comparison to  standard 2D. AutoCAD 2022 contains thousands of standard, intelligent …

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Automation: Are Robots After My Job?

Okay so let us not pretend that every time we see something from Boston Dynamics, we don’t have nightmares. Not just me? Okay, good! That is not what this is about though. These days everything is about efficiency, everyone is asked to wear more hats. Departments are converging as well as industries and it can …

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Autodesk Custom Install

Many of you will be familiar with the installation of Autodesk Suites whereby you would have one install file for all the software included in your license. Since the move to the Collections though, each product needed to be installed separately, until now… Autodesk have introduced the Custom Install option, where you can select multiple …

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Does Brexit affect my Autodesk software?

If you are using Autodesk software in both the UK and within any EU country then the answer is YES. The UK left the European Union on 31st January 2020 and operating under the transition period until 1st January 2021. We have had a lot of questions recently about the effect this will have on …

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Revit – Accessing Your Projects Quickly

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This is a very quick and simple Revit tip which will save you time and is often overlooked. There are a few ways to open a Revit project, but most likely you have used the open button on the Revit home screen. This tip may only save you a 10-20 seconds each time you open …

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