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Renaming Teams

The long awaited first steps towards team customization have just been taken. Though it may seem like a small feature, the ability to rename a team in the Autodesk Management Portal is an important step towards customizing your teams. We can now move away from teams named after the Contract manager and a random number. …

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Revit – Temporarily View Properties

Creating a Soldier Course in Revit

Did you know in Revit there is a button to temporarily apply a view template to a view. This allows you without changing the setting of the view to apply another view template and just as easily switch back to the views settings. The button is called Temporary View Properties and is located at the …

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Revit – Selection Section Box

Want to create a section box around the elements you have selected? In Revit there is a tool just for this. Section Box In Revit you can manually turn the section box on and using the grips manually adjust it around the area of interest. But we also have a tool which if we select …

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Revit Line Style Override

In Revit overriding the lifestyle of a single or multiple lines couldn’t be easier. Go to the Modify tab. Click the Line works button. Select the new line style from the dropdown in the Ribbon bar. Click the line you want to override. Repeat step four as many times as necessary. ConclusionThis is a really …

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Revit 2021 Base Families

With the new Revit 2021 installation Autodesk have made a slight change to the way files are installed, you will now need to select the base families you would like to include in your installation. This has caused some confusion during the activation process for Revit as some people have realized when they open Revit …

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Revit Journal File Clean Up

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Revit journal files are a log of everything you have been doing in Revit. They are commonly used to help with diagnosing issues you may have experienced while in Revit. Where are they stored?Revit journal files are created and stored in the Windows Temp directory: C:\Users{username}\AppData\Local\Temp You can also get to the Windows Temp folder …

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Autodesk Civils 3D UKIE Country Kits

The typical installation of Autodesk Civil 3D does not include the language content for your specific country. So before you start to use Civils 3D it is recommend you download your country kit. In each country kit it gives you all the pre-configured country specific content for country such as reports, templates and much more. …

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Revit – Change Background Colour

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In Revit you can change the background colour from the default white to black or any other colour. This can sometimes be beneficial if you have come from another application such as AutoCAD where the default background colour is black. Following the below steps I will show you how to change the background colour in …

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