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How To Add New Geometry To Forma

Autodesk Forma is a conceptual design application which allows you to quickly get the shape and design of a new building together, which can then be imported into Autodesk Revit for further development and detailing. One of the core tools you will need to use is the geometry tool. In this blog we will take …

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Recap Creating Scan Regions

In Autodesk Recap we can specify layers, or Plan Regions as they are called in Recap, for the points we have such as walls, floors & ceilings. By separating the points on the these layers, you can start to add some simple intelligence to what otherwise is just a bunch of points. This is a …

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How Far Down the Vault Rabbit Hole is Right for me?

Autodesk Vault has been with us for a while now. For many, it represents the trusted Data Management system that they have been using for years. For others, it represents a somewhat confusing solution that everyone says is the best way to store your Inventor data. But for both of these cases, which version and …

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Vault Administrators Guide to Using Audit Log Files

Autodesk Vault’s ADMS console is a powerful tool for managing and maintaining your vault server. While many administrators are familiar with using it to ensure backups are working and to monitor database size, there’s a feature that often goes unnoticed – the log files. In this blog post, we’ll shed light on the often overlooked …

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