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Unable to Communicate with the Project Database

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Last week I came onto an issue on AutoCAD Electrical when opening the program we encountered an error “Unable to communicate with the project database”. This error usually refers to AutoCAD being unable to access the database of the project you are using and can be solved by deleting the .mdb file in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD Electrical …

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Inventor CAM Toolpath Needs Regeneration

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“Inventor CAM needs me to generate tool path a second time in order to work”, “Toolpath needs Regeneration”, “Toolpath only works after second generation”. These are some of the things I looked up when we encountered an issue within Inventor CAM where as you guessed it, the tool path would not generate on the first …

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Frame Member Not Inserting into Inventor Assembly

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I recently came across a case where one of our clients was experiencing an issue inserting a frame member into their assembly in Inventor. They had been using the Frame Generator for quite some time but had not experienced like this before. When trying to insert the frame onto their drawing, they selected the lines …

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How to Organize and Manage Block Attributes

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Blocks with attributes can be very useful but quite often the attributes will appear on the Attribute Editor in a random order, usually the order they were created in. In my example below I have a block with six invisible attributes, these attributes do not appear to be in a logical order. To re-organize and …

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Save to Web and Mobile Tool within AutoCAD

Whats New AutoCAD 2019

What is that Save to Web & Mobile Tool? With collaboration and working remotely becoming more prominent in the modern day, Autodesk are incorporating more tools to help you share and work on projects across many different platforms using the cloud space given for free as part of a subscription. The Save to Web & …

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External Thread and Circular Toolpath Error

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The Issue You may have encountered a bit of a mystery error in Autodesk Inventor CAM when using the 2D Milling Thread or Circular strategies. This only happens when selecting an external face of a cylinder as geometry for one of these toolpaths. The same setup that will work on an internal hole face will …

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How to Apply Filters within Autodesk Revit

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Filters are a view specific element that allow you to control how certain objects will display according to set conditions or criteria. For example you may need to show each door type as a different colour based on its type, size or function. You can create filters to control how different objects will display. See …

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Autodesk Revit Crashes When Closing a Window

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We recently came across a case where Revit was crashing when closing a Revit window or saving the project. This was caused by a faulty Site Designer Extension file. In most cases if Revit is slow or freezes there is a problem with an add in, so that is usually the first place to look. …

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