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Revit INI Configuration Files for Single Users

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Autodesk Revit settings can be customised and rolled out to a large number of machines using a Revit.ini configuration file. Full details of how this can be achieved, and the settings supported by this can be found on the Autodesk Knowledge Network. Help | About the Revit.ini file | Autodesk Generally speaking, this is only …

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Creating your Autodesk Network License File

In this blog I will show you how you can easily create your own Autodesk License file. If you didn’t know already, every year your Autodesk license file needs to be updated to keep up with the latest releases of Autodesk software and also to stop you inadvertently using any old software you are no …

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How to Create a Schedule of your Views in Revit

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Did you know that you can create a schedule of your views in Revit? This is useful if you want to double check the settings of your views or if you want to update a setting on multiple views easily without having to go into every view. How to Create a Schedule of a View …

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How to Set a Project Splash Screen in Revit

Did you know that within Revit you can create a splash screen or specified view to be displayed when a project is opened? Also if you want to speed up the opening of projects, creating a project splash screen can save Revit having to generate a 3D view when a project is opened. How to …

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How to Flatten your AutoCAD Drawings to 2D

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Have you ever wondered how to flatten AutoCAD drawings? Even though you may be working in 2D, AutoCAD is a 3D application with an X, Y and Z axis. Sometimes you may unwittingly place something with a Z value (Height) and from a 2D top down view your drawing may look fine but it isn’t. …

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BIM Track and Solibri Integration

For many months we have been waiting to hear when BIM Track will get better integration with Solibri Model Checker. As of last week, that wait is finally over as BIM Track have released their native Solibri Model Checker plugin to enable a better collaboration workflow and easier management of issues throughout your collaborative processes. …

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Categories BIM

Recent Autodesk Revit Security Updates

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Autodesk have recently released a number of Revit security updates for Autodesk Revit versions 2017, 2018, and 2019. These important updates address potential security issues and are seen as required and critical installations, which without installation could affect the ability for your product to work in the future. We recommend you install these Revit security …

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