Latest blog articles from our experts..

Linking Inventor with Excel

A customer called in earlier this week wanting to link Autodesk Inventor with a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. In other words, driving the value of a dimension inside of Inventor with a value from an Excel sheet. There are 2 possibilities here, using either a direct link with Excel between files or using iLogic. In this …

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks – What, Why & How??

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What are AutoCAD dynamic blocks and why should we use them? Well that is a very good question and I am glad you have asked! The best way to think of a dynamic block is to consider an item that has multiple options; things like size, rotation and appearance. Take, for example, a standard exterior …

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AutoCAD to Revit

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We could all use a little change – AutoCAD to Revit. Recently I have come across lots of practises both in manufacturing and AEC who are still using AutoCAD to create shop drawings and outsourcing the 3d modelling and rendering capabilities to others. I myself have been at a company that used this kind of workflow and maybe for some …

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Cutting Lists in Inventor

IntroductionInventor’s Frame Generator excels at producing a frame model quickly and easily. However, while it will happily produce a Bill of Materials (BOM) for the frame, it will not be optimal by default – the total  length of unique segments (rather than unit lengths and quantities) will be written, and it will omit end treatments …

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Room is not in a Properly Enclosed Region in Revit

In this blog I will explain the error “Room is not in a properly enclosed region” in Revit and how to resolve this. This error can occur in Revit when you are trying to place a room. Sometimes this can happen because the region isn’t enclosed and there is a gap somewhere but this can …

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Solibri Property Values Comparison

Solibri Model Checker allows arguably the most comprehensive set of Model Validation tools on the market at the moment, and leveraging the intelligence and power of the Industry Foundation Class (IFC) is really giving it’s users the ability to validate almost anything. Whilst reading this blog in no way replaces the need for in depth …

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How to create an Autodesk License File

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You receive the email with your license confirmation, feeling pleased you continue and look to get these installed and running as quickly as possible. It can be disheartening when you are not given much information with regards to how your new Network licenses are to be installed… This is why I am writing this blog, …

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Change Autodesk Serial Number

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In 5 simple steps I am going to show you how you can change the serial number in an already activated Autodesk application such as Autocad and Revit to a different serial number. This is extremely useful if you are managing multiple licenses on multiple serial numbers for your organisation. Instructions: You can update the …

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