Latest blog articles from our experts..

The Rise of the Internet of Things

I’m not exactly old, but I can’t help but think, whilst sat on a flight to Edinburgh, how far technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) has come in my lifetime. I am sat on a flight which I booked on my iPad, and my car is parked in a car park booked from my …

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Categories BIM

Coordination and Common Environment

One thing that is remarkably clear when speaking with designers and project managers working on BIM (and non BIM for that matter) projects, we do not spend enough of our time coordinating with the wider project team, and spend too much time within our common environments. In a nutshell, spending nearly 90% of our time …

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Categories BIM

New Levels of Project Communication

I have recently come back from some very exciting BIM 360 training in Germany and thought I’d share a brief overview on the principles of the series of BIM 360 applications from Autodesk. The BIM 360 family is Autodesk’s answer to a more connected, agile and all-encompassing cloud based BIM workflow. Each BIM 360 application …

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A360 Installation Sync Issues

I would like to share a recent support issue we have come across with a couple of our customers. Upon installation of new software (including A360), with previous software already installed and running, we have encountered a couple of instances where the previous software errors or crashed. For example, if you have AutoCAD 2017 installed …

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A Quick Look at Revit Live

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Firstly, for those of you who have never heard of Revit Live I will give you a quick introduction to what it is. Revit Live is an Immersive Architectural Visualisation application created by Autodesk. It allows you to transform any Revit project into a 3D environment which you can walk around and interrogate for BIM …

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Civil 3D Country Kits and Extensions

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As you know Civil 3D Country Kits and extensions are released separately and at a later date to Civil 3D. Country Kits The Civil 3D 2018 Country Kits have now been released but have been moved to new and more easily accessible location in your Autodesk account: For 2017 and older Civil 3D Country Kits …

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Customise Revit Templates List

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In this post I am going to show you how you can customize the Revit home screen templates list. This is incredibly useful to knowespecially when one of the four standard Revit templates are not showing.By following the below instructions you will be able to add or remove templates from the list including your own …

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Best Print Resolution in Revit

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What is the best print resolution in Revit?In this post I am going to explain the different DPI resolutions available when printing in Revit and how to set these when printing. What are DPI Resolutions?In Revit there are four defined DPI Resolutions which controls the quality of prints. Low 72 dpi Medium 150 dpi High …

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