Cameron MacKenzie

Frame Member Not Inserting into Inventor Assembly

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I recently came across a case where one of our clients was experiencing an issue inserting a frame member into their assembly in Inventor. They had been using the Frame Generator for quite some time but had not experienced like this before. When trying to insert the frame onto their drawing, they selected the lines …

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Autodesk Revit Crashes When Closing a Window

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We recently came across a case where Revit was crashing when closing a Revit window or saving the project. This was caused by a faulty Site Designer Extension file. In most cases if Revit is slow or freezes there is a problem with an add in, so that is usually the first place to look. …

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Using Autodesk Licenses whilst working from Home

With everyone looking at their options for working from home, here are the ways you can get the most out of your Autodesk licenses during this time of self-Isolation and social distancing. The process is quite different for Multi- and Single-user licenses. Multi-User Licenses: With the nature of multi-user licenses clients would need to be …

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New User Management in your Autodesk Account

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Autodesk have a new activation and user assignment process with all of their new subscriptions and are rolling it out to older subscriptions too. This means that if you have a new single user license you will be using the new User Management tab and older subscriptions will soon be using it too. To get …

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No More Serial Numbers on Single User Subscription Licenses

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Autodesk are phasing out the use of serial numbers for activating their software, this will affect all single-user subscription licenses. While this has not yet changed for everyone, all single-user license holders will be transitioned to Sign-in accounts (without serial numbers). In order to avoid downtime when the change happens, we highly recommend that license …

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