Chris England

Creating an Inventor Drawing Template Part 1 of 3: Styles and Standards

Creating a drawing template is generally something that we only do once in a long while. Here’s a three-part general guide to jog your memory when that time comes. NOTE: There is only one golden rule when creating a drawing template in Inventor, that is… Never overwrite any of Inventor’s default standards, ALWAYS duplicate the …

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Motion Blur in Autodesk VRED

Autodesk VRED is a fantastic product for high end rendering and VR presentations within a manufacturing focus.  One of my favourite features within VRED is the motion blur setting that can be added to a camera.  Motion blur is found in the camera editor window under the lens attributes tab and can be activated by …

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2 Step Process to Publishing Inventor Content

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There are two steps to publishing content center components – author the component and publish it to content center.  A part does not need to be authored in order to be published to the content center but if you skip the step of authoring it, the component will not function with design accelerators. This will …

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External Thread and Circular Toolpath Error

Inventor CAM Training Header

The Issue You may have encountered a bit of a mystery error in Autodesk Inventor CAM when using the 2D Milling Thread or Circular strategies. This only happens when selecting an external face of a cylinder as geometry for one of these toolpaths. The same setup that will work on an internal hole face will …

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What’s New in the 2021 Release of Autodesk Vault

Vault Maintenance

In the new Vault 2021 release, Autodesk has added numerous new features and enhancements. Many of these are in response to user feedback, so never forget the power of adding your ideas to the Idea Station.  Here are some of my favourite new features added to Vault 2021. Status Bar Colour Setting The first and …

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More Uses of Factory Design Utilities

Having an Autodesk Product Design and Manufacturing Collection means you have access to more tools than just Inventor and AutoCAD. If you have chosen to subscribe to a collection you should investigate the other software packages you are missing out on. Factory Design Utilities is one of the many overlooked “extras” in your collection and …

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Inventor 2020 New Unwrap Tool

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With the release of Inventor 2020, Autodesk has introduced a new unwrap feature.  To some designers this probably won’t be all that useful but to manufacturers of composite materials that in the past had to use 3rd party methods for creating flat patterns, you will love this one! The unwrap tool is located on the create …

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