Chris Downing

Updating Block Attributes (ATTSYNC) in AutoCAD

In this blog, I will explain how to update and synchronize AutoCAD block attributes using the Attribute Sync command in standard AutoCAD. When creating new or editing existing attributes within a block you may have noticed that the existing blocks in a drawing do not show the changes immediately. This is because attributes do not …

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Drawing Lists in AutoCAD Electrical

Saved Circuit in AutoCAD Electrical

In AutoCAD Electrical it is possible to create many different reports analyzing the data in your drawing project such as Bill of Materials and Wire To/From lists. These reports can be placed directly onto a drawing and/or exported to an external application such as Mircosoft Excel. One of the frequently overlooked reports is the ‘Drawing …

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Parametric Modelling in Autodesk AutoCAD

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What is parametric modelling? You may have heard the term ‘parametric modelling’, especially if you have been involved in 3D modelling using products like Autodesk Inventor. Parametric modelling is the term used for creating models that have parameters which drive and control the size and formation of the model. Parametric modelling requires constraints to allow …

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Utilizing Multilines (MLINE) in AutoCAD

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Multilines are often overlooked in AutoCAD. The MLINE command gives you the possibility of drawing parallel lines of pre-defined properties at set distances in one single command. One of the most common uses for this is to draw a side view of an axle with solid lines defining the extents of the axle and a …

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How to Organize and Manage Block Attributes

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Blocks with attributes can be very useful but quite often the attributes will appear on the Attribute Editor in a random order, usually the order they were created in. In my example below I have a block with six invisible attributes, these attributes do not appear to be in a logical order. To re-organize and …

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Save to Web and Mobile Tool within AutoCAD

Whats New AutoCAD 2019

What is that Save to Web & Mobile Tool? With collaboration and working remotely becoming more prominent in the modern day, Autodesk are incorporating more tools to help you share and work on projects across many different platforms using the cloud space given for free as part of a subscription. The Save to Web & …

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The Autodesk AutoCAD OOPS Command

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One of the most important commands in AutoCAD is the UNDO command but what if you ERASE an object and then carry out a load of good commands before deciding that you shouldn’t have erased that object….? You don’t want to UNDO all that good work just to replace that object and it’s quite a …

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How to use The Drawing Compare Tool in AutoCAD

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How do you use the drawing compare tool in AutoCAD? The drawing compare tool was introduced to AutoCAD in the 2019 version, developed to aid users to find differences between drawings, whether it is comparing revisions or just comparing similar drawings. Once you start the COMPARE command, which is found on the View tab of …

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