Jonny Pye

Recap Photo – Reality capture with an iPhone 6s Vs iPhone 11

Scans in Recap Pro Header Image

Introduction In this blog, I am going to compare reality capture using Autodesk Recap with pictures from an iPhone 6s and an iPhone 11. The spec for the two cameras are below. More than a comparison between the cameras, it’s a test to see how much difference camera quality gives a model and how much …

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BIM 360 Docs – Compare and Track Design Progress

Being able to work from anywhere is a great asset in recent climates and is likely to a become a natural evolution for most organisations. One of the tools allowing organisations to make this happen is BIM 360 Docs from Autodesk. It allows users to access and work on documents and designs from anywhere in …

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Showing Revit Options in BIM 360 Docs

This is going to be an overview on showing Revit Options in BIM 360 Docs, which may be useful when communicating initial design to customers or clients. This will be useful to Revit users who are using BIM 360 or potentially on the journey of implementing it and want to know perhaps some tips and …

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Power BI.M 360 Docs

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I am a very new user to Power BI but in recent months I’ve noticed that is has become something of a hot topic when talking about interrogating data visually within a construction or maintenance environment. Bim 360 Docs is also a hot topic at the moment and the two hot topics have come together …

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BIM 360 Docs Issues – Tasking Drawings to Users

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Something that I have seen become exponentially more used inside of BIM 360 Docs over the past year have been issues. With this use the updates to Issues have meant that they are better than ever for managing lots of situations than ever. A new function that makes it even easier to manage field issues …

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Autodesk Revit – The Case of the Missing Toilet

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Imports in families You’re having one of those days on Revit where you’re trouble shooting why you can’t see something. You try all the usual suspects – scale based hiding, family settings, detail level, plain old hidden by element, hidden by category etc. But you’ve lost something important, the family you downloaded is not showing. …

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