Mark Calloway

Area Reinforcement In Revit

Revit has a number of structural reinforcement tools and in this post I will show you how to add Area Reinforcement. Like most things within Revit the process is quiet quick and simple. Firstly, we need something suitable, such as a structural floor or wall, to add the reinforcement to. Make sure the element has …

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Revit Rebar Shape Browser

Revit comes with a library of rebar shapes which can be used and customised. In addition to the standard rebar shapes you can also create your own custom rebar shapes. Adding your own rebar shapes is simple and I will show you how to do so in this blog. First of all, you will want …

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Model Rebar In Revit

Revit makes adding Rebar quick and easy. There are a number of tools relating to rebar and structural reinforcement, for today we will keep it simple and add some rebar to a foundation wall. Here we have our foundation wall and footing which we need to add some structural reinforcement to. The first thing we …

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Wall Foundations In Revit

Revit is setup to make most tasks quick and simple to use, and foundations are no different. Using one of the standard project templates, everything should be configured ready to go. In the short example I will show you how to add a simple foundation to the base of a wall. In the below image …

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Standard Workspace in Navisworks

The layout of the Navisworks user interface is known as the “Workspace”. This shows which windows you have open, such as the Clash Detector or Properties and controls, where they are located and if they are maximized or minimized as tabs. You can fully customise your workspace and save them, however Navisworks comes with a …

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Create Openings In Revit

In Revit it may be necessary to create openings in walls, floors or roofs for example. There are a number of ways you can do this and each way will have different behaviour’s and constraints. In this blog we will take a look at the 3 most popular ways you can create opening within Revit. …

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Revit Project Browser Organisation

Depending on the template used, the structure of the Project Browser within Autodesk Revit may vary. In some instances views may be organised by project levels, and in others they may be organised by discipline. This “Browser Organisation” can be changed and customised. What is the Project Browser? The Project Browser is our main way …

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Autodesk Revit Change Graphic Settings

Revit has a number of graphic and display settings which you can use to change the appearance of your views, such as adding shadows, jittery lines and visual style. Some of these you might be familiar with such as the visual styles, but the other options are less obvious to find and often missed. In …

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