Mark Calloway

Revit 2019 New Features

What's New Revit 2019

Revit 2019 has now been released with the new features focused on community feedback. The top two requested features on the Revit Ideas forums with over 2000 votes each have both been included in this new release.If you want a peak at upcoming Revit features that are being worked on head over to the Revit …

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What’s New in AutoCAD 2019

Whats New AutoCAD 2019

One AutoCAD With the release of AutoCAD 2019 you now have access to all industry specific toolsets in one application, in one AutoCAD! Designed to allow you to work faster from anywhere from the web and from mobile apps, here’s what’s New in AutoCAD 2019. The right tools for the job AutoCAD 2019 gives you the right …

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How to Save your Revit Custom System Families

Revit Custom System Families

Would you like to know how to save your Revit custom system families? In this blog post I will explain how we can save system families as a Revit file and how we can easily load them into other projects. What is a System FamilyFirstly you need to understand that in Revit there are two …

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How to Audit your Revit Project

Audit your Revit Project

In this blog I am going to explain how and why you should Audit your Revit project for errors. Like most files on a Windows computer the more you write and delete to the file the more chances there are that an error can be introduced. The same is true for your Revit projects, as you …

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Windows 10 Update Causes 503 Error with Vault Server

Are you getting a HTTP 503 Error with Vault Server? Microsoft’s latest batch of Windows 10 updates have been linked to breaking Vault Servers. It has been discovered that the latest Windows 10 updates are changing IIS user account permissions and so the application pool directories are no longer set appropriately. This results in the …

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How to save your AutoCAD Drawing to an Older Version of AutoCAD

Old Version of AutoCAD

Autodesk regularly update the DWG file format and with the release of AutoCAD 2018 Autodesk has once again released a new version.When this happens older AutoCAD releases are unable to open the newer DWG files. So how do you share drawings when the older versions of AutoCAD are not compatible with newer DWG formats? Back Saving …

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How to Recover AutoCAD Drawings

Recover AutoCAD Drawings Header

In this blog I am going to explain how to recover your AutoCAD drawings should they become corrupt and fail to open. ExplanationAutoCAD drawings like most other editable files are subject to becoming corrupt, sometimes this can result in poor performance or behaving strangely. If you are really unlucky however this can sometimes result in the …

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How to Audit AutoCAD Drawings

Audit AutoCAD Drawings Header

In this blog I am going to explain how and why you should regularly audit all your AutoCAD drawings. Explanation Your DWG file contains a database of all the information within your drawing.  As you work on your drawing this database is constantly updated by adding new information and deleting old information. Due to all this …

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