Mark Calloway

5 Steps To Customising The Revit Project Browser

Did you know you can customise the Revit project browser? You can re-organise many aspects of it and also use filters to choose what you can see and what to hide. 5 Steps to Customising the Revit Project Browser Step 1: Right click inside the project browser and select “Browser Organisation…” Step 2: Choose what …

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How To Create Repeating Detail Component In Revit

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Creating a Revit repeating detail component is super easy and below I will show you step by step how to create one. Before You Start Firstly you need a standard detail family, the one you want to repeat. Detail families are created using the family editor using a template such as Detail Item. This template …

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Can I Downgrade my Revit Project

Are you looking for how you can downgrade your model to an older version of Revit? If you are, you are likley stuck in the predicament of having realised that Revit is version specific and you have worked on a project in the wrong version and need to downgrade. How does Revit Version Compatibility work? …

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5 Tips On Creating A Revit Template

Looking at creating a Revit Template to speed up new projects? Here are 5 great tips on what you should do when creating your companies Revit template file. Before we get started firstly let me explain what a Revit Template file is for those who do not yet know… Whilst you’re here, you may find …

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Revit – Accessing Your Projects Quickly

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This is a very quick and simple Revit tip which will save you time and is often overlooked. There are a few ways to open a Revit project, but most likely you have used the open button on the Revit home screen. This tip may only save you a 10-20 seconds each time you open …

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How To Create A Revit Colour Scheme

Want to know how to create and add a colour scheme to your Revit floor plan? There are many types of colour schemes you can create in Revit from rooms and areas to pipes and ducts. Maybe you want to colour code rooms by function or maybe by area. All this is possible in Revit …

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Unable To Move Revit Element

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Unable to move something in Revit? I will go through the 3 most common causes of why something cannot be moved and why. Revit is an excellent program however when it comes to conveying to the user information about why something isn’t behaving how you expect, Revit can be a little lacking at times. Unless …

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Reference Sections – How to Create One In Revit

Reference Sections, what are they and how do I create one? I will answer both these questions and show you how to create one in 3 easy steps. Firstly what is a Reference Section? It may be that up until now you have never heard of a reference section or didn’t know that Revit has …

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