Mark Calloway

AutoCAD – The Easy Way to Spell Check

Have you ever made a spelling mistake? Do you ever use text in AutoCAD? Wouldn’t it be great if there was an easy way to spellcheck your text in AutoCAD? Spellcheck Command AutoCAD has a spell checking function, not the most exciting function in AutoCAD but very powerful for those like myself who spell words …

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Revit – Flip and Rotate with Space Bar

Many objects within Revit have a specific orientation, doors swing left or right, windows have sills on the outside, or just general elements such as furniture. After placing these items, they can be mirrored or rotated using the respective commands but there is an easier way.By using the Space Bar we can rotate or flip …

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Revit – Find referring views

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Ever needed to find out what view a section, callout or another view has been created in? For example you have a detailed callout, it was created in a Section View which in turn was created in a Ceiling Plan. But how do you find your Callout if you don’t know this? Find Referring Views …

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Revit – Set Center of 3D Orbit

Revit by default rotates about the center of the project when in 3D. This is ok if you are zoomed out but if you have zoomed in on an element and want to rotate, the result is that elements fly off screen and your left looking at a different location in the project. Set Centre …

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Revit – Disable Double Clicking to Family Editor

Do you find it annoying when you double click out of habit and Revit keeps taking you into the Family editor. What if there was a way to stop this behaviour so that the family editor only opens when you click the Edit Family button. Well as it happens there is an option to disable …

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Revit – View Discipline

In Revit, each view has a discipline assigned to it, this controls what elements are visible and which are hidden.For example in an architectural view we can see walls, windows and doors but we might not be able to see structural elements such as beams and trusses or mechanical elements such as ducts. There are …

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Revit – Temporary View Properties

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In Revit it is highly likely that you have some form of view template applied to your views, however there may be occasions where you need to quickly apply a different template for a moment. Changing the view template isnt a difficult proccess but constantly changing it and changing it back just to check something …

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Revit – Customise Quick Access Toolbar

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The Quick Access toolbar in Revit is a very useful space which allows you to add any function from the Ribon bar so that it is ever only one click away.By default the Quick Access toolbar contains useful tools such as Undo & Redo, Save, New and Print however we can add our own buttons. …

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