Simon Brand

What does IR35 mean for Autodesk software?

IR35 is a term used to describe two sets of tax legislation that are designed to combat tax avoidance by workers, and the firms hiring them, who are supplying their services to clients via an intermediary, such as a limited company, but who would be an employee if the intermediary was not used. Despite being …

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Selling your way out of COVID

At the time of writing this, it certainly feels like the UK is starting to return to some sort of normality following a very strange and difficult year for everyone. I know for a fact that my European colleagues are very envious of our national vaccination role out. But as the economy slowly starts to …

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Automation: Are Robots After My Job?

Okay so let us not pretend that every time we see something from Boston Dynamics, we don’t have nightmares. Not just me? Okay, good! That is not what this is about though. These days everything is about efficiency, everyone is asked to wear more hats. Departments are converging as well as industries and it can …

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Does Brexit affect my Autodesk software?

If you are using Autodesk software in both the UK and within any EU country then the answer is YES. The UK left the European Union on 31st January 2020 and operating under the transition period until 1st January 2021. We have had a lot of questions recently about the effect this will have on …

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