BIM - Blog articles

Digital Construction Week

AEC Collection

This year was my very first Digital Construction Week and a very interesting one as well. Many people attended from all over the UK and further afield from across Europe and the world. There were so many talks to choose from on many different subjects from everyone’s favourite subjects such as openBIM, COBie, CDE’s, BIM …

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UK BIM Framework Launch Event

Man and Machine Events

Whilst at Digital Construction Week, the UK BIM Alliance, BSi and CDBB co-hosted a launch event for the new UK BIM Framework and including a new website providing information and guidance on the latest Digital Construction Standards and Processes to be utilised on all construction projects and enforcing the Business as Usual attitude to Digital …

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Digital Construction Week 2019

This was my third Digital Construction Week event however my first representing Man and Machine and it was great to see that the core driver for the event was recognising the need for change. Change is something that the Construction Industry is unaccustomed to but is in dire need of.  With so many great speakers it …

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BIM Track and Solibri Integration

For many months we have been waiting to hear when BIM Track will get better integration with Solibri Model Checker. As of last week, that wait is finally over as BIM Track have released their native Solibri Model Checker plugin to enable a better collaboration workflow and easier management of issues throughout your collaborative processes. …

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Categories BIM

CPD Certified BIM Training

Man and Machine

Man and Machine are pleased to announce that the first course of the BIM ready training programme is now CPD certified. The two-day BIM for Project and Construction Professionals training course contributes up to 14 CPD hours. The BIM ready training programme consists of the following courses: • BIM Fundamentals • BIM for Project and …

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Categories BIM

BIM Protocol Second Edition

BIM Protocol Second Edition

This week (11/04/2018) sees the hugely anticipated release of a second edition BIM protocol drafted by Beale & Company. For those that have not used the BIM protocol before it is a supplementary legal agreement document that is usually incorporated into professional service appointment and contracts via amendment. The second edition CIC BIM protocol has …

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Categories BIM

The Rise of the Internet of Things

I’m not exactly old, but I can’t help but think, whilst sat on a flight to Edinburgh, how far technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) has come in my lifetime. I am sat on a flight which I booked on my iPad, and my car is parked in a car park booked from my …

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Categories BIM

Coordination and Common Environment

One thing that is remarkably clear when speaking with designers and project managers working on BIM (and non BIM for that matter) projects, we do not spend enough of our time coordinating with the wider project team, and spend too much time within our common environments. In a nutshell, spending nearly 90% of our time …

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Categories BIM