Manufacturing - Blog articles

A 3D World – Photogrammetry

Very recently I have started to embrace the world of digital point scanning. The process of taking the imperfect world and placing it in the perfectly orthogonal world of a computer. It is a fantastic portal for the construction and manufacturing industry to digitise something that was built half a millennia ago and have it …

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The Demise of the Developer

So this blog is something a little bit different, it is food for thought, a theory that I have stumbled upon… the demise of the developer! Since the industrial revolution humans have created machinery and tools which have become more advanced at an ever increasing speed, from the first steam engine to the latest hybrid, …

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The Future of Manufacturing

The Future of British Manufacturing is an initiative launched by Autodesk and key partners and takes a hands-on-approach to enabling British design and manufacturing companies to respond to the challenges or trends such as Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things. The goal is to enable British manufacturers to design, make and sell great British …

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