Revit - Blog articles

Revit Section Box Tool

In Revit we can use section boxes to crop our 3D views to size, but did you know that Revit has an Automatic Section Box tool? Section Box Tool In Revit you can manually adjust a section box to get the desired view but by using the section box tool, Revit will automatically create a …

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Autodesk Revit Content Library

Revit Home Screen Header

When you install Autodesk Revit it will install the content library to suit the region you set during the installation. This should include Family Templates, Libraries and Discipline Templates. Then when you open Revit you can just select the template or families you need. Sometimes these don’t install for some reason or you may need …

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Revit – Flip and Rotate with Space Bar

Many objects within Revit have a specific orientation, doors swing left or right, windows have sills on the outside, or just general elements such as furniture. After placing these items, they can be mirrored or rotated using the respective commands but there is an easier way.By using the Space Bar we can rotate or flip …

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Better Presentation in Revit using Guide Grids

If presentation is key to your drawing sheet deliverables there is a little used tool within Revit that allows you to align views over multiple sheets. Guide grids will improve the overall look and feel of your presentation drawings and gain consistency over your outputs. Guide Grids can be activated in a sheet view only …

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Revit – Find referring views

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Ever needed to find out what view a section, callout or another view has been created in? For example you have a detailed callout, it was created in a Section View which in turn was created in a Ceiling Plan. But how do you find your Callout if you don’t know this? Find Referring Views …

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Revit Model Checker – Rule Configurator

This short blog takes you through some of the steps to allow you to create auditing rules on Revit using one of the free tools available to all Revit users. This process could aid with model auditing and validation processes as part of your BIM Execution Plan, company standards or ISO 9001 quality management process. …

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Revit – Set Center of 3D Orbit

Revit by default rotates about the center of the project when in 3D. This is ok if you are zoomed out but if you have zoomed in on an element and want to rotate, the result is that elements fly off screen and your left looking at a different location in the project. Set Centre …

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