Revit - Blog articles

How To Create A Title Block In Revit

Here is how to create a new Title Block in Revit explained in 6 simple steps. 6 Steps on How to Create a Revit Title Block Step 1: Click “New” under Families on the Revit home screen. Step 2: From the list of Template files open the folder “Titleblocks” and choose a paper size (or …

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IfcBuildingElementProxy – What is that?

Updated to provide further clarification – 17/08/21 The problem with IFC files is that tThe problem with IFC files is that they are often not set up correctly at the start and many category element translations are set to a default value, IfcBuildingElementProxy. This default output does not contain element type specific properties and can …

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4 Steps On How to Copy/Monitor in Revit

Creating a Soldier Course in Revit

In 4 simple steps I will show you how you can copy and monitor elements in a linked model with your Revit project. Step 1: On the Collaborate tab select “Choose Link” from the “Copy/Monitor” tool and select the linked model. Step 2: To monitor two existing elements select “Monitor” in the ribbon and left …

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5 Steps To Customising The Revit Project Browser

Did you know you can customise the Revit project browser? You can re-organise many aspects of it and also use filters to choose what you can see and what to hide. 5 Steps to Customising the Revit Project Browser Step 1: Right click inside the project browser and select “Browser Organisation…” Step 2: Choose what …

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