Software - Blog articles

No More Serial Numbers on Single User Subscription Licenses

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Autodesk are phasing out the use of serial numbers for activating their software, this will affect all single-user subscription licenses. While this has not yet changed for everyone, all single-user license holders will be transitioned to Sign-in accounts (without serial numbers). In order to avoid downtime when the change happens, we highly recommend that license …

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Error 1712 During Installation

During your Autodesk Installation you receive Error 1712. This can happen to any Autodesk application however the workflow for fixing this is the same. What is Error 1712? Error 1712 occurs during your Autodesk installation, the full message is as follows: “Error 1712. One or more of the files required to restore your computer to …

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Error 1603 During your Autodesk Installation

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I have seen this error on many occasions, it is usually caused by an MSI (Microsoft Windows Installer) issue, rather than a problem with the Autodesk installation software itself. We have listed some common 1603 errors below; Setup Logs:Install <AutodeskProduct> <Version> Failed Installation aborted, Result=1603 Dialog box during installation:Error 1603: A fatal error occurred during …

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Multi-user License Options File

Vault Maintenance

What is an Option File, do I need one if I am using multi-user Licenses (Network Licenses) for my Autodesk software and what can I control? Well in this blog I plan to answer these questions… What Is An Option File? An option file is a text document such as Notepad which is saved with …

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Unable To Get Network License

Man and Machine Services

A major cause of being unable to get a network (multi-user) license is lag on your network. Autodesk software have a specified amount of time which it will spend trying to get a license before giving up. Sometimes this small amount of time isn’t enough if you are working over a VPN, Internet connection or …

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More Uses of Factory Design Utilities

Having an Autodesk Product Design and Manufacturing Collection means you have access to more tools than just Inventor and AutoCAD. If you have chosen to subscribe to a collection you should investigate the other software packages you are missing out on. Factory Design Utilities is one of the many overlooked “extras” in your collection and …

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Set Timeout Limit for Inactive Autodesk Licenses

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Ever wanted your Autodesk software to return a Multiuser license if the software has been left open but unused? Well, we can! Using an Options File we can specify a time limit for Multiuser licenses to be returned in the event the Autodesk software hasn’t been used for X amount of time. This can be …

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