Vault - Blog articles

Vault Download Restrictions

Vault Maintenance

Since the release of Vault 2021, we have an additional permission which controls the ability to download files, this gives an added layer of security around the control of your files. Users who are blocked from downloading files will not be able to perform functions like Copy Design, Get, or Pack & Go. The Download …

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Autodesk Vault Mobile App

Vault Maintenance

Vault is an integral part of many companies’ data management workflow, from control of access to files, to the management of lifecycles and revisions. With the release of the Vault Mobile App, users can now take this management tool wherever they are. Setting up the app is very simple, so long as you are connected …

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Selling your way out of COVID

At the time of writing this, it certainly feels like the UK is starting to return to some sort of normality following a very strange and difficult year for everyone. I know for a fact that my European colleagues are very envious of our national vaccination role out. But as the economy slowly starts to …

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Plant 3D/Vault Isometric Drawing Deleted in Vault Client

Vault Maintenance

What if you accidentally delete your isometric drawing in Vault? How do you recover this situation? If you are working with Plant 3D and using Vault Pro or Workgroup for data and file management, you should know that all commands, regarding any Plant 3D project files, should be carried out within Plant 3D. Never move, …

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What’s New in the 2021 Release of Autodesk Vault

Vault Maintenance

In the new Vault 2021 release, Autodesk has added numerous new features and enhancements. Many of these are in response to user feedback, so never forget the power of adding your ideas to the Idea Station.  Here are some of my favourite new features added to Vault 2021. Status Bar Colour Setting The first and …

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Autodesk Vault and BIM 360 using Project Sync

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Autodesk Vault Professional has been able to synchronise to cloud based collaboration software for several years using an addon called Project Sync, although historically this was limited to Autodesk Buzzsaw. More recently, Autodesk have redeveloped Project Sync to enable collaboration with their newer cloud based platforms in both Fusion Team and BIM 360 platforms. This …

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Improved Vault Professional 2020 Add-In for Solidworks

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Using Autodesk Vault Professional with third party CAD and Design tools such as Solidworks has been possible for years, but with the 2020 release, Autodesk have improved this functionality to offer users working in a multi CAD environment that best productivity and collaboration abilities between all of their software workflows. You can access this application …

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Map a Custom Excel Property to a Custom Vault Property

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Is it possible to map a cell in Excel to a document property? Many people want to be able to utilize the data in their documents or CAD files to populate their document/file properties and thus map this data to their document management system. Excel spreadsheets often have lots of data in them which relate …

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