Autodesk 2021 Product Keys

As you will most likely already know, product keys are required for installation of Autodesk products. These change year on year, but are pretty much the same for most Autodesk customers of the same product. It is important to use the correct product key which relates to the license you own, please check your Autodesk …

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Autodesk 2020 Product Keys

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As you will most likely already know, product keys are required for installation of Autodesk products. These change year on year, but are pretty much the same for most Autodesk customers of the same product. It is important to use the correct product key which relates to the license you own, please check your Autodesk …

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Autodesk Vault Mobile App

Vault Maintenance

Vault is an integral part of many companies’ data management workflow, from control of access to files, to the management of lifecycles and revisions. With the release of the Vault Mobile App, users can now take this management tool wherever they are. Setting up the app is very simple, so long as you are connected …

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Have you got an AEC collection? Heard about Autodesk Docs?

AEC Collection

Autodesk Docs is the new powerful cloud platform from Autodesk now included in your AEC collection subscription. This entitles AEC Collection subscribers to leverage unlimited cloud storage, markup and issue tracking capabilities, review, and approval workflows and much more. (If this is news to you and have not started using it, get in touch for …

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Autodesk Custom Install

Many of you will be familiar with the installation of Autodesk Suites whereby you would have one install file for all the software included in your license. Since the move to the Collections though, each product needed to be installed separately, until now… Autodesk have introduced the Custom Install option, where you can select multiple …

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Does Brexit affect my Autodesk software?

If you are using Autodesk software in both the UK and within any EU country then the answer is YES. The UK left the European Union on 31st January 2020 and operating under the transition period until 1st January 2021. We have had a lot of questions recently about the effect this will have on …

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Autodesk BIM 360 Desktop Connector

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If you are using BIM 360 Docs then it is a must that you download and install the Autodesk Desktop Connector. It connects your Windows desktop environment with your BIM 360 Docs account and projects. It is simple to download and install. If you click on the link below it will take you directly to …

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Autodesk Civils 3D UKIE Country Kits

The typical installation of Autodesk Civil 3D does not include the language content for your specific country. So before you start to use Civils 3D it is recommend you download your country kit. In each country kit it gives you all the pre-configured country specific content for country such as reports, templates and much more. …

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